Official Alpha Release of our Client-Side Modding Software

LearnToMod can now be used to make client-side mods! You can download the installation package here. Don’t know what client-side modding is? The short story is a client-side mod can be used to modify YOUR game of Minecraft. You can use client-side modding to create custom blocks, custom items, and custom creatures! Now all of these are possible with LearnToMod! (As you can see, we’re really excited. =D) If you’re not familiar with the difference between client-side & server-side modding, you can find a great explanation in this video from our lead developer, Stephen:

Remember, this is an Alpha release, so the installer is still a little buggy! Read the installation instructions carefully, and let us know if you get stuck by posting a detailed description of your problems to the Forums! Download the L2M client-side installer here:

More fun with ICBMs (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles)

Do you want to learn how to make some awesome explosive missiles in Minecraft using the new LearnToMod client-side modding system? Start learning client-side modding in Javascript now! You can follow Calclavia’s video series to learn how. Part 1 is here, and Part 2 & 3 are below:

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