Teaching New Subjects Using Modding

We’ve been working with a lot of teachers lately, and we’ve been exploring new ways to teach subjects beyond coding using LearnToMod! You’ll be seeing lots of ideas on our blog in the future, but here’s just one concept video for teaching reading using LearnToMod as a classroom tool:


Let us know if you have an idea for teaching a classroom subject (besides coding) using modding!


Summer Camps are in Full-Swing

There are students around the world using LearnToMod in summer camps to learn coding! We’re so proud! And we’re AMAZED with the mods those students are creating! Here is a showcase of modding projects from one of our summer camps in San Diego. This camp is a partnership between ThoughtSTEM, UCSD Extension K-16, and Qualcomm:

Are you using LearnToMod in your summer camps? Share your projects with us, and we’ll showcase them here!

GET STARTED TODAY! Code, Customize, Learn

Why wait? Start modding Minecraft today! We’ll be there to help every step of the way!

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